LoadFile 2
This example loads a data file about cars. Each element is separated with a tab and corresponds to a different aspect of each car. The file stores the miles per gallon, cylinders, displacement, etc., for more than 400 different makes and models. Press a mouse button to advance to the next group of entries.
Highlighted Features
* LoadFile 2
* This example loads a data file about cars. Each element is separated
* with a tab and corresponds to a different aspect of each car. The file stores
* the miles per gallon, cylinders, displacement, etc., for more than 400 different
* makes and models. Press a mouse button to advance to the next group of entries.
Record[] records;
String[] lines;
int recordCount;
PFont body;
int num = 9; // Display this many entries on each screen.
int startingEntry = 0; // Display from this entry number
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
body = loadFont("TheSans-Plain-12.vlw");
lines = loadStrings("cars2.tsv");
records = new Record[lines.length];
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String[] pieces = split(lines[i], TAB); // Load data into array
if (pieces.length == 9) {
records[recordCount] = new Record(pieces);
if (recordCount != records.length) {
records = (Record[]) subset(records, 0, recordCount);
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int thisEntry = startingEntry + i;
if (thisEntry < recordCount) {
text(thisEntry + " > " + records[thisEntry].name, 20, 20 + i*20);
void mousePressed() {
startingEntry += num;
if (startingEntry > records.length) {
startingEntry = 0; // go back to the beginning
class Record {
String name;
float mpg;
int cylinders;
float displacement;
float horsepower;
float weight;
float acceleration;
int year;
float origin;
public Record(String[] pieces) {
name = pieces[0];
mpg = float(pieces[1]);
cylinders = int(pieces[2]);
displacement = float(pieces[3]);
horsepower = float(pieces[4]);
weight = float(pieces[5]);
acceleration = float(pieces[6]);
year = int(pieces[7]);
origin = float(pieces[8]);
Related Examples
This example is for Processing 4+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know.